Welcoming our newest little bundle. Cohen David was born on February 22, 2011 at 8:34 AM. He weighed 6 lbs 9 oz and 19.5 inches long. He was born by csection due to his breech presentation. As many of you know Creed was also breech and I was planning on doing a VBAC, but God and this little man had other plans. He has just been a bundle of JOY. He has by far been my easiest baby and the other two were pretty darn good themselves. He usually goes to sleep around 10:00 and does not wake up until 4:00 AM, he will then sleep until about 7:30. He is constantly held and loved on by at least one member of the family. Chandler at age 3 1/2 is already babysitting. She is my little mommy! She is really enjoying having a live baby doll in the house. After about 5 changes of clothes in one day, I finally had to limit her to changing his clothes only once a day....after he takes a bath. Creed has done remarkably well, I expected since he is still a baby himself that he would have a hard time adjusting but he is just loving having a baby brother as well. Every morning when he wakes up the first thing that he does is run to the bassinet and look to give his brother a kiss. He is constantly trying to lay on top of him to give him hugs and slobbering on his face to give him a kiss. Besides the fact that his definition of soft and mine are a little different.....everything is going well. We are all very blessed by this little man, and without further ado....
Cass! Oliver is totally the same! Easiest baby...feed him at 10 and then put him down and he doesn't wake up until 3ish...then sleeps until 8 or 9! I thought this would wear off after the first week or two, but it hasn't! I did not know you had to have another c-section! I'm so sorry! What a handsome little guy he is! Love you!